The chilly morning is refreshing, because I know how hot the coming day will be. Sitting on the bus, I can’t take my eyes off the world beyond the glass—even for a second. The hustle and bustle of little shops opening and brown shopkeepers smiling sets an energetic scene, but the bus passes on while the animated little town fades into the dust.
We are greeted by a massive wall. An ancient Pharaoh stands there tall and proud, towering over a conquered people. His likeness is carved two inches deep into the sand-colored stone, which is impressive to say the least. We enter the great Hypostyle Hall where enormous columns stretch up to the clouds. It takes 12 of us with arms outstretched to encircle one of these columns. I take my time, slowly meandering through and examining the hieroglyphs as I pass.
Walking aimlessly from one temple to the next, I’m completely awestruck. Karnak has an energy that wraps itself around you and you feel the presence of something—I don’t know what. My companions and I explore for an hour or two, trying in vain to soak up everything Karnak has to offer. Before I know it, I come upon a dark room, which is atypical, since most of the temple ceilings have been destroyed over time. There is a man inside, so I decide to socialize.
Reverently, he touches my forehead, closes his eyes, and begins to slowly chant in a soothing tone. I close my eyes too. He now guides me closer to the wall, where he presses my third eye to the cold stone eye. Three times he presses my head into the symbol and then steps back. The man delivers a solemn nod in my direction to confirm that I've received what I came for: a blessing in the earthly home of the gods.
It's a part of the world I've dreamed of going to see for myself. Thanks for posting!