My name is Lyn, but I should be called Lyndiana Jones. I have survived enraged grizzlies, erupting volcanoes, Japanese sword fights and giant squid tentacles. I have been entrapped by FBI agents and held at gunpoint by renegade soldiers. I have sung with Bulgaria's bluesmaster Vasko the Patch and met with Mexico's Zapatista Army commander Marcos. I have been thrown out of forbidden temples in southern India and passed out in sweat lodges off the Alaskan coast. My navel has been inhabited by beetles and my genitals have been cursed by eunuchs. I have shared coffee with presidents, beer with pirates and goat guts with polygamists. I have contracted malaria, typhoid, salmonella and lovesickness around the world. All these adventures are found in my books
Sacred Ground & Holy Water or
Fresh Wind & Strange Fire.

My writing habit began when heavy snow sealed me for weeks into a log cabin amidst the thick timber of Canada's craggy mountains. Life was forever changed. With nothing to do but observe minute details and reflect upon them, I spent silent solitary hours grasping for exact words to convey my experience to others, for when that connection would be restored. Meditations transformed into magazine articles. From eye to mind to pen, the journeys of my life were distilled into the stories that now make up my first book, to the very last one written on an isolated Mexican ranch under a fiery sunset and the influence of tequila. My spirit is within the pages too. If you aren't currently holed up at a snowy cabin or a sunny ranch but wish you were, I hope you'll let
Sacred Ground & Holy Water or
Fresh Wind & Strange Fire take you there.

You may find me in the Canadian rainforest or the Mexican desert, but you won't find my byline on anything that doesn't captivate, amuse, inform and inspire. My travel writing has appeared in
Outdoor Canada, Monday Magazine, Canadian Ethnic Studies, The Dalhousie Review, Matador Travel Network, Eclectica Literary Journal, Rose and Thorn, Sharing Travel Experiences, Gam Magazine, Paperplates Literary Journal, Travel Rag, 3:AM Magazine, Artist-At-Large, Long Trip Home, Crank Literary Journal, The Kinte Space, Travelmag, Hack Writers, Trip 101, PureTravel, Raging Face, Traveling Stories, The Best of Bluefoot Publishing and other publications. I'm a university professor in Mexico with advanced degrees in communication and philosophy. The phrase "philosophical adventure" describes both my writing and my life. I don't have a phone, but I do have an iguana. I enjoy hiking, coffee, meditation and hearing from readers like you at lynfuchs@gmail.com.