Monday, March 21, 2011

How to Satisfy Your Wanderlust

Hi! I'm Laura Reese from Smart Lit Reviews. This week, I had the pleasure of interviewing Lyn Fuchs, world traveler and author of Sacred Ground & Holy Water. I found his travel memoir to be passionate, insightful, and in places, laugh out loud funny.

It’s a book suitable for anyone with a sense of adventure and an appreciation for sleeping under the stars. The stories, all personal, some peppered with spice, read like letters from a best friend. It’s a book to keep around whenever wanderlust strikes. Read the interview here.


  1. wooo... nice author advice; "First, get a life. Then, write about life."
    I like that. Great interview.

  2. Another great review for SG & HW. Congratulations.

    And you got a book babe to post on your blog. Double grats!

  3. Excuse the double comment but what I wanted to add about the reviewer - beauty, brains and impeccable taste in literature! <3 her
