His work also sheds light on the unique pathology ... er ... I mean artistic bent that moves writers to devote decades to a career nearly as promising as blacksmithery. (I, of course, am the exception. With no wounds or chemical imbalances, I immerse myself in cigars, alcohol and putas solely for you the reader.) So, if you're interested in becoming a serious writer and/or drunk, this book can help. Let's add Rick to our tortured-artist prayer list. If anyone has his address, I'm sure he'd appreciate you giving it to some religious group for a much-needed Saturday-at-dawn doorknocking.
Rick's new volume is a fast and fun read that doesn't bore or exasperate like much touted literature, but offers meaningful insight without stalling the story. Plus, he is an author who writes like a man - a species more endangered than the panda. Still, one place where this book falls short of mine is that it lacks a photo of me exuding raw animal magnetism from the back cover. (Why Rick's publisher opted against this is unclear, but I think it was a bad call.) Otherwise, I recommend this work to guys, for those times when you don't have a cold one in the fridge or a hot one on the sofa, and to ladies who like it rough - literarily speaking.
In February, Rick will be featured at the San Miguel Writers' Conference. I also will be there reading from and signing copies of Sacred Ground & Holy Water. Come out and join us if you can. If you have an adventure travel or spiritual travel book which you'd like reviewed, talk to me at lynfuchs@gmail.com. If you've written another kind of book, send it to Oprah.
Looks interesting I wouldn't mind reading and reviewing this one. Nice looking blog!